

por ser sincera,
por seguir sus ojos,
por dejarme llevar,
por no oír las alarmas,
por tirar el corazón al vacío.

Me siento tonta porque luego de mil intentos
no le atino a una.


Manos vacías

Linda canción y una voz que cala.....

"Tell Me"
I´ve been sitting here for awhile
Trying to make ammends with myself
and its getting to a point where I cant find
anything else to say
Endless story that repeats
given the facts I must admit
was built in memories undone, unsaid
Tell me, why did you go?
Tell me, why cant you talk with me?
Tell me, why did you come, and come again now?
Tell me, why cant you talk.... why cant you talk with me.
Picture perfect girl
thats what you wanted
And thats what you got
But perfect´s hard, even when youre lying
Im sorry for all the trouble I caused
cant recall you were honest
You made me believe, you were open to give
But left me, empty-handed
Tell me, why did you go?
Tell me, why cant you talk with me?
Tell me, why did you come, and come again now?
Tell me, why cant you talk.... why cant you talk with me.
Dont tell me, that you couldnt see
cause it was in front of you all the time.....
Dont tell me, you cant believe
It was in front of you all the time...



subyugas a la precavida razón,
prescindes del amparo de la hibernación
y vigorizada peregrinas a tu capricho ...
buscando qué,
caricias descaradas, halagos zalameros?

ay de ti corazón! 
cómplice turbado, fervoroso
que te chamuscas en sus llamas...
qué empeño el tuyo en aliarte a la pasión!

pieles ardientes, venas henchidas, aromas impregnados
y humedales que empapan cada hendidura a profundidad
colman la velada,
jadeos y ... solo el silencio queda ahora

ay de ti corazón!
indicios de amor? sólo desdén
y la pasión? saciada ... pero despierta y sigilosa.



Me persuade tu magnetismo,
Y he arrastrado mi raído orgullo
Para aliviar los efectos de tu ausencia
Vuelvo a ti
Pero tú ... no estás para mí.

Tonto corazón ...
porqué no admites que ahora es cuando
nos replegamos, pateamos el  tablero y
abandonamos este juego peligroso?